If you don't have igniter wire in your main harness then you will need to splice 2 wires and add 2 wires.
Here is my simple, easy, transferable harness. Probably the best cleant method than mess up your harness by poor solder job.
First thing you need to understand this whole igntion system diagram.

Splice 2 wires;
black/white = 12v when key on
brown/white = output of primary secondary
Add 2 wires; (depend on your vehicle... to make sure take a look at diagrams at
http://metroxfi.com/2008/11/geo-metro-a ... -diagrams/Common color for Suzuki is
brown/yellow = trigger
red/yellow = failed signal
For MK2 turbo;
orange = trigger
yellow = failed signal
It doesn't matter as long as you connect to ECU correct....